Spirit: Lista de Peças GCC

A Akad oferece a lista de peças GCC (Laser Spirit) para impressoras e plotters de recorte.

Parts Number Peça
12170001G Laser Power Meter
20200185G prism mounts Assembly (Spirit)
20600024G Z-axis belt.(5GT-2910-9)
20600074G X axis belt
20600075G Y axis belt
20600076G X motor belt(2GT-180-10)
20600077G Y motor belt 2GT-186-10
20900635G M/B TO K/B CABLE
20900640G Flat Cable (850mm 1.0*12PIN)
20900685G Autofocus cable (1.5mm*3 )
22800918G Working table (Spirit)
22800923G x axis slideway - Spirit
23300310G X tube chain
23400020G Control panel sticker.
24500014G Power supply PSP-600 49V (Explorer/Neptune)
24500022G MINWELL power supply 40/5v
24500023G POWER LPS-75-12 DC12V (for LED)
24500032G Power supply ALS-800-30C(Asner 800W/30V-Synrad V30)
24500037G power supply 150W LPP-150-12V - Spirit&Explorer/GAIA
24500043G Power Supply (Synrad, 600W/30V)- Mercury & Spirit
25700032G LAMP SW(HF-606C)
26500166G Window Hinge.
26500239G Y tube chain.
26500693G Window cylinder (5kg)
29001141G Z motor Assembly. (Mercury)
29002510G Y Motor PCB
29002511G X Motor PCB
29002513G LASER POWER Adapter
29002531G Y-Axis Rail Assembly(left)
29002532G Y-Axis Rail Assembly(right)
29002537G X/Y Motor assembly
29002538G X-axis Assembly
29002546G Auto focus seat Assembly.
29003104G Spirit carriage assembly-befor 20090917 I50790(mirror & lens not included)lens not included)
29003657G Red pointer Assembly - Spirit
29003905 Spirit ballast
29004278G Wheel spring Assembly (Spirit)
29004279G Small roller assembly (Spirit)
29005145G Spirit mainboard with Spirit firmware (for Service)
29005274G Spirit & S290 Keyboard Assembly
29005432G Ruler Set for X-axis (Spirit)
29005433G Ruler Set for Y-axis(Spirit)
29006010G Auto focus pin assembly
29006017G Lens carriage Assembly - New (for service)
290064950G Spirit Upgrade SLS Kits (for Service)
290067400G X Ruler-AAS for Spirit (for service)
290067410G Y Ruler-AAS for Spirit (for service)
290068530G Window(for service only)

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por Akad

- 10107 visualizações

    Palavras-chave: Plotter Recorte, plotter de corte, máquina de plotter, plotter gcc, maquina para cortar adesivos, Novacut, plotter para Insufilm, plotter para corte de vinil refletivo, Plotter de recorte com sensor, Plotter de recorte com motor servo, Plotter de recort

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